Natural Fertility Management

Natural Fertility Awareness involves the identification of a woman’s fertile signs through various methods (i.e. daily temperature and cervical mucous charting). The techniques can be used by any woman at any stage in her reproductive life; whether or not she experiences a regular monthly cycle.

Natural Fertility Awareness methods can be used by women to:

  • Plan pregnancy and time conception
  • Identify ovulation
  • Identify the length of the luteal phase
  • Learn more about their hormonal health
  • Prevent pregnancy
  • Overcome fertility issues
  • Increase a couple’s chance of conceiving naturally

Who can benefit from using Natural Fertility Management methods?

Natural fertility management can be used as a tool for those experiencing infertility issues, those wanting preconception care or simply those seeking to understand their monthly fertile signs. Natural Fertility Awareness can also help to bring about a greater understanding of how stress and lifestyle choices impact upon our health and fertility.

Natural Fertility Awareness methods may help:

  • Couples trying to conceive naturally and women wanting to increase their chances of a natural conception
  • Couples interested in preconception care before conceiving
  • Women seeking natural support before starting IVF
  • Women with PCOS, Endometriosis or irregular cycles that are unsure when or if they ovulate
  • Breastfeeding women wanting an alternative, non-hormonal form of contraception
  • Couples wanting to learn more about non-hormonal forms of contraception
  • Women who experience unwanted side effects whilst using pharmaceutical methods of contraception (such as high blood pressure)
  • Women coming off the pill, Implanon or IUD who want to learn more about their body and hormones

You can book your Natural Fertility Awareness appointment with Meg here. Meg is a Naturopath, Clinical Midwife Specialist and Natural Fertility educator with over 12 years of experience.